Hi, it's Gina!

If you need help figuring out how to respond to an unexpected life event, I can help.

I love change.

I’m a bit of a vagabond and a polymath. I love to travel and explore anything new. Whether it’s new to me or new to the world, what gets me through is my ability to navigate the unexpected.
I help individuals build resilience and become more adaptable to change.

I have always loved helping people. I have an extensive skillset from what seems like a stew of unrelated fields. From facilitating learning and development in all age groups, to studying culture through the lenses of anthropology and organizational change management, to decades in leadership, to living in various places around the globe, my life experiences have provided me a unique perspective on what it takes to navigate the uncomfortable and the unexpected.

If you need help figuring out how to respond to an unexpected life event, I can help.

What people are saying about us

I absolutely loved the seminar you gave. It was both informative and entertaining and delivered in a manner that was easy to understand. I would definitely recommend you to friends and acquaintances.


I thoroughly enjoyed myself! I thought the topics you brought up were awesome and very interesting. I think it gave all of us something to consider in case we hadn’t already. I would recommend you for this type of event.


Excellent facilitator. Very natural. Listening and contributing as appropriate.


Gina has a wealth of knowledge and resources about one of the most difficult social subjects that most of society would rather avoid. She makes conversations about end of life planning comfortable and easy to understand. She is approachable, sincere, down to earth, funny and I would recommend Gina’s services to anyone thinking of ‘getting their affairs’ in order at any age. She shows you what steps are needed and how to get there. It is very important to know that it is never too early or too late to plan or have plans in place, and Gina shows how even just starting is easier than you think.


I thought the event was excellent! I think the idea is so spot on and many people would be interested in doing parties like this instead of the shopping parties. It helped me in a lot of ways as it was so timely for me and it probably would be for a lot of other people as well. It taught me a lot.
