
I have a variety of death education and executor literacy topics on offer for 2025, as well as a few more general life skills offerings.

Typically, these are run as two-hour workshops that are participatory and discussion based. However, all are completely customizable to suit your needs. I can deliver shorter lunch & learns and Q&A-based presentations on these topics as well.

If your audience has expressed interest in topics related to end-of-life, executorship, or change, stress & resilience that are not on the list, please feel free to ask me if I have something that will suit. I design an deliver all my own material, and have several years’ experience in both instructional design and facilitation.

General & Introductory

(2-hour workshops)

These offerings are high level overviews that give the basics for the deeper dives into death literacy.  

  • Your Life Legacy Checklist: Check out 11 things to consider when preparing for family emergencies and learn how to prioritize the based on your life and lifestyle. Get better prepared to plan for such things as serious illness or injury, job loss, becoming a new caregiver, or end of life.
  • Roadblocks to End of Life Planning and How to Overcome Them: Identify what might be holding you back from acknowledging mortality, and/or from end-of-life planning, and how to get over some of these common hurdles.
  • What Happens When You Die Without a Will: Explore the pros and cons, risks, and rewards, and identify life circumstances to help you determine the need for a Will versus going without.
  • Small Business Succession Planning: This quick lunch & learn introduces new entrepreneurs to business succession planning. It outlines what business owners need to consider if they die with a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation as an asset.

Departure Planning

(2-hour workshops)

These offerings are all related to end-of-life planning. They can all be offered as standalone workshops or offered in a series.

  • Departure Planning: anatomical gifts, organ, and tissue donation: Learn how organ, tissue, and body donation intersect and impact each other. Discover what you, your loved ones, caregivers, and your executor need to know to ensure your wishes can be met.
  • Departure Planning: demystifying burial and cremation: Discover and document your choices for after-death care. Review options for both burial and cremation. Learn about budgetary considerations and regulatory requirements. Prepare to discuss your final rest with those who need to know.
  • Departure Planning: marking the passage: Design your ideal end-of-life service/celebration and lay down some groundwork for important conversations with those who need to know your wishes. And have some fun while doing it!
  • Departure Planning: creating an ethical will/legacy letter: Learn what goes into an ethical Will to begin building this legacy gift to leave your loved ones. Discover ways to document your values, experiences, life lessons, and other important messages you would like to pass down and leave behind.
  • Departure Planning: writing a eulogy: Take a step towards facing your own mortality by writing your own eulogy. Learn ways to get your priorities in life, your various roles, your legacy, and a list of your accomplishments and defining qualities documented. Help those you leave behind create a narrative of your life that defines what makes you uniquely you!
  • Departure Planning: having important conversations about being mortal: Explore new approaches to planning for and having conversations about things that really matter, such as major life changes related to health and aging, your quality-of-life concerns, where you’d like to live as you age, and how you’d like to leave this world.

Advance Care Planning

These two offerings are best done as a series. ACP 1 can be offered as a standalone but is a pre-requisite for ACP 2. All other topics are good by themselves.

  • Advance Care Planning (ACP) part 1: Get an overview of ACP documents and how to best use the AHS green sleeve to ensure the right people know how to find and abide by the spirit and intent of your health care and end of life wishes.
  • Advance Care Planning (ACP) part 2: Guidance through creating your own personal directive or health care plan. Planning for what to do once it’s up to date, and for keeping it up to date.

Life Hacking

These are all popular topics that make great complimentary offerings with any of the death education courses, but especially the first two: Healthy Boundaries and Building Resilience. Please also note the Building Resilience, Stress and Change, and Caring for the Caregiver courses do have some overlap in content.  

  • Setting Healthy Boundaries: how to say no without guilt: Discover the difference between boundaries and rules, and how reframing the words we use can improve our well-being. Practice saying no in ways that alleviate self-doubt and resentment.
  • Building Resilience: how to handle whatever life throws at you: Explore what’s behind our perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs and how they impact our ability to be resilient. Identify how to be effective in dealing with change. Build a personalised resilience toolkit.
  • Stress and Change: getting through the emotional and into the practical: Learn how to identify your stressors, what it takes to be energy efficient in stressful times, how to recharge your personal batteries, and how to integrate change in a way that leaves you enough energy to do the things that matter most to you!
  • Caring For the Caregiver: Discuss what caregiver self-care looks like. Delve into resources, stress management, and other areas of control that will allow for respite and avoiding caregiver burnout.
  • Finding Your People: making and maintaining friendships like a grown up: Explore the age defying benefits of purposeful activity. Learn how social engagement and connecting to community can improve your quality of life.


(1-hour presentations)

  • Executorship Overview: Learn what executors actually do, some common legal challenges of the role, and how to choose (or be) the right person for the job. 
  • No Drama Executorship: This information session offers best practices in helping Executors mitigate common issues around stressful family situations while executing a Will.
  • Executorship Q&A This informal Q&A session is meant to help supplement your knowledge of executorship, be it administration and record keeping, communication, or delegation of tasks. Meant as a learning resource only; no professional or situation-specific advice given.

Executor School

Executor School is four 2-hour modules offered via Zoom. ($597/person +gst).

It can be delivered as in-person learning (2-half days) with a minimum pre-paid enrollment of six-people.

Module 1: Introduction to Wills & Executorship

Learn basic terminology. View Wills from both the planning and execution side. Explore the estate owner and executor perspectives, and how to set up a Will to make it easier for those left behind to fulfill the spirit and intent of your wishes.

Module 2: What It Means to Be a Good Executor

Learn the roles, responsibilities, risks, and rights of both the estate owner and executor, why choosing the right executor is important, and what’s most important when closing out someone’s life.

Module 3: You’re an Executor…Now What?!

Learn more about your responsibilities as Executor. This includes your obligations, boundaries of authority, and best practices while in the role. Identify the danger zones and how to avoid the most common family, legal, and financial pitfalls of executorship.

Module 4: Your Executor Task List

Learn the order of duties and payments with a practical task list and schedule. Discover professional resources available, and what to do when things don’t go according to plan. Build a realistic plan.