Here are some links I use on the regular and some people I love who have businesses you may love as well.
Death Literate Websites
The Order of the Good Death: The Order of the Good Death is a group of funeral industry professionals, academics, and artists exploring ways to prepare a death phobic culture for their inevitable mortality.
Talk Death: TalkDeath is the hub for a changing death-conscious public. TalkDeath aims to bridge the gap between death professionals and the general public, helping people make informed end-of-life decisions. is brought to you by Keeper Memorials
Local (Alberta-based) Products and Services
Sandwiched911: Community-based Caregiver Support for the sandwiched generation. Based in Edmonton, Alberta, they offer a collective of services to help you help those you care about. Charon Consulting provides end of life planning support for S911.
Trinity Funeral Home: This private funeral home in Edmonton prides itself on customer care and is completely transparent on their pricing, which is posted on their website.
Pinebox Funerals Inc: Alberta licensed burial or cremation services, and commemoration and celebrant/officiant services for end of life and after life care.
Lori Lucki Celebrant: Certified Deathcarer and Funeral Celebrant serving the Greater Edmonton area.
Other Products and Services We Like
The Death Deck: Part game, part conversation tool, The Death Deck inspires lively discussion on what matters most in life.
huunuu: huunuu helps people plan and talk about death. They have a free planning tool to help you decide and discuss your choices. Their shop includes the crucial conversations card game and the ‘before I die’ guided journal.
Frequently Used Resource/Reference Sites
Canadian Virtual Hospice: This site contains loads of information and support on advanced illness, palliative and hospice care, loss and grief.
Dying With Dignity Canada: This site has some great educational resources on your rights as a patient when planning for health care, aging, and end of life.
Conversations Matter: The government of Alberta website provides guidance on advance planning for healthcare.
The Conversation Project: This is one of my go to sites for tools for advance care planning, and planning for important conversations around health care and serious illness.
Estate Connection Law Firm: This site provides clear information for estate planning in Alberta. Use the search function in their blog.
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